The best way to put a fire out is to call a fireman.


Introducing COLLABORATOR OnCall™

One of the things I tell the businesses and individuals I work with is to always listen and react to what the marketplace is telling you about not only what you have to sell—but what they want to buy.

Taking a dose of my own medicine, I’ve spent the last year assessing what it is that I do and how it can best serve my current and potential customers. And while my big project offerings aren’t going away, I am very excited to introduce what I’m calling the COLLABORATOR OnCall™ range of creative services.


A lot of times you know exactly what needs to be said—but sure wouldn’t mind it being said a little more succinctly and with greater impact. COPYWRITING OnCall™ is designed specifically for those situations.

Whether you need copywriting from scratch based on a few nebulous copy points (“I really have no idea what to say, but I know we need it said.”), or the editing and streamlining of existing pieces (“Can you take this tonnage and make it funnier / snappier / shorter?”), your solution is just one call / email / tweet / text away.


Many companies have internal creative resources or preferred external providers, but are occasionally a little ‘meh’ about the concepts and designs they generate. Sure, they gave you what you asked for—but maybe not what you needed. Could be you need an experienced Creative Director to collaborate, cajole and sometimes challenge these internal and external creators in order to take things to the next level.

Twenty-five plus years in the business has taught me one thing for certain: 99% of people are perfectly happy with the first ‘good idea.’ If that’s not good enough for you, we should talk.


The COLLABORATOR BRANDNature™ branding and messaging process creates the foundation upon which any business or personal brand can build and grow. But what if you’ve already got a well-founded brand, and just need a comprehensive campaign to take your wares to market. Can you do that? Why yes, I can.

As a writer, it’s key to understand the brand in all its nuances. As a Creative Director, it’s critical to find the brand-aligned strategy that can achieve identified goals. Say you don’t have a marketing agency of record, but want a campaign with legs that can last 2, 3 or even 5 years? Once again, I’ve got you covered.


Walt Disney continually pushed his creative teams to ‘plus.’ To take whatever stage of the project you’ve been given, and continually add positive energy and ideas to it. Ever wish you could have a creative wall to bounce ideas off of? One that not only bounced the idea back, but with the kind of ‘plusing’ Walt was talking about? That’s what PLUS+WALL OnCall is all about.

Whatever creative challenge you have, from blue sky / anything goes ideation to rubber hits the road execution can often benefit from the kind of outside of your box thinking I can provide. Unhindered by past expectations or personal agendas, I can participate / facilitate the kind of brainstorming that builds thunderheads of inspiration. Perfect for one on one, small groups, and even large meetings, I bring my core collaborative / creative / provocative energy to the challenge. And the results? Amazing.

Need a quick ‘a la carte’ consultation? 

All COLLABORATOR OnCall™ services are available on an hourly, project or retainer basis. 

Need any or all of the above? Call me at 608.469.8453 or fill out the contact form here.

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